Saturday, September 6, 2008


Max is the only pet I have that, up until now, had not made her appearance on this blog. Max is one of a kind. When we first adopted Max and her sister Phoebe, we kept them away from our other cat until they had all of their shots. The day I let them out seemed normal enough until I got my lunch. I took it into the living room, put it on the coffee table and sat down on the floor to watch the news and eat as I usually did. From out of nowhere came this flying kitten, who grabbed at my sandwich and tried to make off with it. That is how things started and after thirteen years, not much has changed. We now lock Max in her own special room whenever we get out food.

So, why is Max one of my blessings? Well, I really believe that everything that presents itself in my life is to inform me and teach me something. I think Max's lesson to me is to go after my dreams with persistence and determination.

I think Max's greatest dream is to be left alone in the house (no dog to find out what she is doing and thwart the effort) with the refrigerator door wide open and stocked with tuna salad, a whole roast chicken and maybe even an open carton of milk which could be knocked over easily to wash it all down. I think the lesson Max needs to learn from me is self-control!


cpdmom said...

Hey Susan,

Glad to see that Max hasn't changed! I enjoy checking in on your blog!

Gail V said...

Max looks just like my cat, Mayberry!

Gail V

Joyce said...

Hi Susan - Catching up on reading blogs, and I gotta tell you - this is just weird. I have two children - Phoebe and Max. :-)