Monday, July 27, 2009

A Garden Only a Mother Could Love

When we first moved to Wisconsin we planted a garden with my brother and sister-in-law. It is located at some friends of theirs, the Buckley's who have a farm and lots of land for planting. Well, that was almost six weeks ago and we hadn't set eyes on it since and needless to say it was engulfed in weeds. But the four of us got to it and weeded and weeded and weeded. The good thing about large weeds is they give you a lot to grab onto so you can pull. Just one weeder/waterer
Now two

Then three (I'm taking the photos)
BTW, they don't let us use the big equipment!

Can you believe it, under all those weeds were tomatoes, radishes, a few peas and some peppers.

Oh, the Stockholm Art Fair, we went and you can read all about it and see some pics on my other blog Threads of Inspiration.

1 comment:

Yvonne said...

Sometimes the weeds don't hurt at all.