Monday, November 3, 2008

Hugh Grant

I really like Hugh Grant. First, I think he's cute, but I also like most of the movies he has been in. Given that, I went to Netflix and filled up the queue with Hugh Grant movies and started my own Hugh Grant film festival. So far I have seen Impromptu, About a Boy, The Englishman that Went up a Hill and Came down a Mountain. Notting Hill is the next one waiting for me. I have seen these movies before, but it is fun to re-watch what I know I like. My husband is being a good sport about it but refuses to see Notting Hill again, so I'm on my own for that one. I asked him who he would want to base a film festival around (I refuse to let it be Angelina Jolie...those lips gross me out) and he decided on Gwenyth Paltrow. I'd be happy to sit thought those films too. But for now, I'm enjoying Hugh.

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